Tag Archive | Regency Romance

Kathryn Kane — Romance To Close

At the end of this month, the Kathryn Kane — Romance blog will close permanently. Guest posts will only be accepted for post dates which occur before Friday, 31 March 2017. After that, there will be no further posts made to this blog. Commenting will be allowed though the month of March. After that, all commenting will be closed as well.

Though Kathryn Kane — Romance will be closed at the end of March, the blog will not be taken offline. There are a number of informative articles which have been posted here over the years which may still be of interest. Therefore, though no new articles will be added, the blog will remain online.

Secret Codes in Music by Jacki Delecki

Today, I am very happy to welcome back romance author, Jacki Delecki, who has just released the latest novel in her series The Code Breakers, A Cantata of Love. To celebrate her new release, and in keeping with its title, Jacki is sharing some special research which inspired this new story, about how coded messages can be embedded in music. Though her romance is set in the Regency, Jacki also shares information about the use of music to code secret messages in other eras as well.

Now, let Jacki enlighten you about music as code . . .

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Interview with Karen Turner, Regency Romance Author

My guest today is Karen Turner, an author of Regency romances who lives in Australia. She has kindly consented to an interview and I think you will find her lively responses most entertaining and enlightening. Karen in a woman after my own heart, who spends a lot of time researching the period in which she writes because she wants her stories to be as accurate to the period as possible. She has already released two Regency romances, Torn and Inviolate, and she is working on a new romance which is so top-secret that she cannot yet share the title. What a way to pique our curiosity? I can hardly wait for her next romance.

Please welcome Karen Turner . . .

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Romance in the Limelight:   Captivated by the Viscount

I am pleased today to have as my guest Regency romance author, Emily Windsor, whose latest release is Captivated by the Viscount. It is a novella, part of Emily’s The Captivating Debutantes series. Even better, it is set in the Regency, my favorite period in history. Novellas are ideal when you only have a short time to slip back into the Regency, perhaps when you get a summer afternoon to yourself, and simply have to know how the story ends before you put down the book. Particularly when the hero has kidnapped the heroine, for her own good. Now that he has captured her, how will he captivate her?

Captivated by the Viscount in the limelight . . .

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Historical Porto and its Role in the Peninsular War, by Alicia Quigley

Romance author, Alicia Quigley, has just released her newest Regency romance, Lady, Lover Smuggler, Spy. This story is the third in her series about the loves of the Arlingby family. The heroine in Alicia’s most recent Regency romance was a soldier’s wife during the Peninsular War, much of which took place in Portugal. Alica has just returned from a trip to Portugal, where she was able to visit the historical city of Porto. This city was the site of an important victory for General Wellington, and today, Alicia shares her research with us.

Let Alicia Quigley take you back to the days of the Peninsular War in Portugal . . .

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Last Chance to Get Deflowering Daisy

The publisher of my debut Regency romance, Deflowering Daisy, is going out of business and will soon be shutting down all operations. They have begun withdrawing all of their books for sale, in both print and eBook formats, from all web sites.

I have not yet decided whether or not I will seek other publishing options once the rights to my book are returned to me. Therefore, if you were considering buying the book and have not yet done so, I suggest that you do not procrastinate any longer. I understand both formats of Deflowering Daisy will become unavailable within the next few weeks.

My deepest gratitude to all of you who did buy a copy of my book!

Romance Coloring Books?

Recently, I read an article at the Publishers Weekly blog which reviewed the ups and downs in the categories of books sold in 2015. What was most surprising to me was the powerful impact which coloring books had on book sales last year. Several of my friends have taken up coloring and I must admit I am also considering joining in the fun. But I had no idea how widespread the interest in coloring books is among adults.

Which got me thinking, how cool would it be to have coloring books based on our favorite romance novels? My guess would be that coloring books based on the novels of Jane Austen would do quite well, since so many people love her books, and the look of the Regency. Of course, I think coloring books with scenes from the novels of Georgette Heyer would also sell very well. I certainly would buy any which were published. What do you think about the idea of romance coloring books?

Poison for the Holidays, in A Christmas Code by Jacki Delecki

My guest today is Jacki Delecki, whose has recently released an audio edition of her romantic suspense novel, A Christmas Code. This story is set in my favorite period, the Regency, around the holidays. And it is one of the plants used for those holiday decorations which provides the poison which almost puts paid to the hero’s life. Fortunately, though this specific holiday plant is still used today, with modern medicine, it is no longer the threat in the modern day that is was during the Regency. Which, of course, is no great comfort to Jacki’s Regency hero, Ash.

What Jacki has to say about her research for A Christmas Code . . .

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My Interview with Dena Garson

Yesterday, I was honored to be the guest of romance author, Dena Garson, at her blog. Dena is an author after my own heart who enjoys very naughty romance novels. Since my debut novel, Deflowering Daisy, falls into that category, I felt most welcome. Dena posed some questions in her interview which I had not encountered before, which made the interview fun for me.

Please feel free to pop over to Dena’s blog if you would like to read my interview with her. Perhaps you will learn something new about me and Daisy, too.

The French Empress & The British Gardeners

Yesterday, I was the guest of romance author, Caroline Warfield, at her blog. The topic of my post at Caroline’s blog is one that is near and dear to my heart, roses. In particular, I wrote about how Empress Joséphine put literally hundreds of species of roses under cultivation in her gardens at Malmaison during the Napoleonic Wars, with the able assistance of her head gardener, who was an Englishman. In addition, she was a regular customer of the pre-eminent English nursery, Lee and Kennedy. And both the Prince Regent and the Royal Navy also provided assistance from time to time.

You can find my article here. I do hope you will enjoy it.

Interview with Constance Hussey, Author of Trusting Lord Summerton

Oh, I just love second-chance romances, and they are even better when they are set in the Regency. The newest romance from author Constance Hussey, my guest today, is Trusting Lord Summerton, a second-chance story in which both parties are afraid to risk their hearts. Constance has graciously consented to an interview, during which I have discovered that we have similar views both on the importance of romance novels as well as their continued popularity well into the future.

May I introduce Constance Hussey . . .

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My Interview at Romance Debuts

I was very pleased to be invited to be a guest at the new Romance Debuts blog yesterday. This is the new blog about which I posted a notice here last month.

I answered a set of interview questions provided by Cate, the blog’s proprietor. Cate asked some thought-provoking questions, several which were new to me, so I enjoyed my interview. I hope you will enjoy reading it and might be amused a time or two. You can find my guest post here.

The Siege of Badajoz by Alicia Quigley

My guest today, Alicia Quigley, is a return visitor. In May, she shared her research into smuggling during the Regency. This summer, Alicia spent some time in Spain, where she was able to visit the site of the Siege of Badajoz, one of the most costly battles of the Napoleonic Wars. In today’s article, she tells us something about that battle, its aftermath and how it relates to one of Georgette Heyer’s most powerful Regency novels, The Spanish Bride. Since she was on the actual spot, Alicia has also provided some photos of the city to give us a taste of how it looks today.

Without further ado, I give you Alicia Quigley . . .

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A New Blog for New Romance — Romance Debuts

Calling All Debut Romance Authors!

Recently, I leaned that there is a new blog on the romance scene. This new blog, Romance Debuts, is the brain-child of Cate, an avid reader and aspiring writer of romance. Ably assisted by her adorable mascot, Buddy, Cate has created her blog to help romance readers find new romance authors, and vice versa. Along with showcasing new authors for her readers, Cate will also be hosting experienced authors who are willing to share their wise advice with those of us who have just embarked on a career as a romance author.

However, Romance Debuts is not just an author-centric blog. Each week, Cate will also be featuring a review of a romance novel by someone who has just read it. So romance readers looking for new books should make it a point to stop by Romance Debuts each week to check out the latest review. You might find out about a new romance which could be just what you are seeking to escape from the daily grind for a few pleasant hours. Cate makes it very easy to follow her blog via email, so you will not miss any new posts. If you love romance, do stop by Romance Debuts. I think you will be glad you did.

Interview with Ann Lethbridge, Romance Author

I am delighted to have Ann Lethbridge, award-winning Regency romance author, as my guest today. She is one of my favorite authors, and it is a treat for me to have her here. Ann’s newest book is The Duke’s Daring Debutante, and on the occasion of its release, she has graciously consented to be interviewed. I think you will learn at least a few things you did not know about her, and I am certain you will want to read her new book.

Please welcome Ann Lethbridge . . .

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A Cautionary Tale for Authors by Regina Jeffers

Recently, romance author Regina Jeffers has been through something which no author welcomes. Last year, her trusted publisher revised their mission, which had the result of ending her long and happy relationship with them. Suddenly, this popular, award-winning author had to find a new publisher. And, in today’s new publishing landscape, that was far from a simple task, even for an author with her track record. As my guest today, Regina has kindly shared some of her experiences along the rocky road to a new publisher.

I think all authors, those just starting out and those who have a substantial backlist, will find Regina’s cautionary tale rich food for thought.

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Only Two Weeks Until the RWA/NYC Chapter’s Romance Festival

The date for the Romance Festival sponsored by the New York City Chapter of Romance Writers of America is fast approaching. It will take place on Saturday, 20 June 2015, in New York City. It has been announced that the guest speakers will be romance authors Maya Rodale and Lauren Willig. The Romance Festival will be held at the Morris-Jumel Mansion, an elegant eighteenth-century mansion which is the oldest house in Manhattan. Tables are available to rent by those who have materials to display, but it is free to attend the festival.

For complete details and contact information . . .

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